Save money by buying our soap, ends or imperfect bars. They work the same magic as our other soap bars, but just aren’t aesthetically pleasing. Please note sometimes the soap ends have a white ash on it. This is normal in soapmaking and is still good to use with it. It just doesn’t look pretty. Some bars you will get close to full peices and some are thin. The thin ones are still easy to use on their own, or you can put in a soap pouch. Soap pouches are great where you can wash and exfoliate at the same time!
Our full bars are about 100 g and sell for $7.50 without the label. Here we are selling the ends At half that cost. Get them while they last because they sell out quickly.
Sorry at this time you can’t pick in choose what kind you want. We have them all in a box and it’s too hard to know what kind we have as we don’t track inventory on it at this time.