$0.09 per gram
Dandelion (taraxacum officinale) has been around for over 30 million years. Today, the dandelion flower is commonly found in temperate parts of Asia, Europe, northern Africa, and North America. Throughout history, dandelion has been used by many different cultures for its medicinal properties to treat a variety of ailments!
The roots and leaves of the dandelion contain similar qualities but at different levels.
Dandelion leaves have been used in dyes, tea, dietary supplements, and even as wine! This botanical is also commonly used in the skin-care industry in many products for the bounty of benefits it provides!
It is strong in anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-aging properties! Dandelion can be used to help soothe redness and swelling from skin conditions, like rosacea, cystic acne, eczema, and psoriasis. As an antibacterial, germicide and anti-fungal ingredient, dandelion detoxifies the skin, clears out pores, gets rid of acne and prevents acne breakouts. There is a plethora of vitamins -- A, C, and E -- in dandelion extract and this is what can help reduce the appearance of fine-lines and wrinkles as they encourage healthy skin cell production!
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